years ago and doesn't remember his 33-year-old daughter whom he has always been close to and
his 11-year-old grandson whom he was practically inseparable from since he was born. They do most
everything together and now after this incident he doesn’t remember any of them and it has been so
hard on his entire family.
I ordered some blood tests to check his thyroid levels and any nutritional
deficiencies and I also orders a CT scan to be done on him to see exactly what may be going on in
his brain. We are still awaiting the results of both of those. (, 2022). We are all hoping
that this is temporary and that his memories will come back quickly for him. Some people the
memories can come back all at once, or a little at a time over time and some it takes years to come
back and some never regain those memories and have to start making new memories from here on.
We are holding out hope for Freddy that his come back sooner than later especially for his grandson's
sake. In the meantime, we will begin Freddy on psychotherapy to hopefully help speed up the
process of him regaining his past memories so he can continue on with his life with his wife, daughter
and grandson. (, 2022)
Memory Loss Case Studies Assignment
Cherry, K. (2022, April 12). Put Your Short-Term Memory Loss To The Test.
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Oghabian, M.A., Batouli, S.A.H., Norousian, M., Ziaei, M., Sikaroodi, H. (2010, March, April). Using
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