Short Paper Module 1



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Computer Science


Jun 27, 2024





Uploaded by ChiefRainHamster28

Jorge Torres SNHU CS 370 Current/Emerging Trends in CS Module 1 Short Paper Real-World Problem and AI Application In my job, I need to manage the inventory of consumable items. Due to my busy schedule, I often forget to take inventory and make necessary orders to ensure smooth operations. Delegating this task to my lead employees hasn't been successful either, as they are also busy and sometimes forget. This has caused disruptions multiple times, and I want to find a solution. AI Solution Proposal While inventory management systems already exist, incorporating AI can significantly enhance their functionality. An AI-driven system could not only monitor inventory levels but also predict usage patterns based on historical data, seasonal trends, and other relevant factors. This predictive capability would ensure that inventory is always at optimal levels, reducing the risk of stockouts or overstocking. Additionally, AI can automate the ordering process, learning from past purchase data to suggest the best times and quantities for reordering. This system would require minimal human interaction, only needing approval for payment authorization. Necessary System Components The software should control the inventory database and vendor purchasing information. It should allow for adding, editing, and deleting inventory items and be capable of sending notifications
for low stock and payment authorization. The AI component would analyze inventory data to predict future needs and automate reordering. Users will scan items in and out of the inventory. Modern scanning devices, often equipped with Android systems, can be used as the software base for this purpose. These devices can feed real- time data into the AI system for more accurate predictions and inventory management. Implement safety gates to prevent unauthorized orders, ensure user authentication, and verify true inventory levels. A more advanced system could use location sensors, similar to those in hospitals, to track item consumption without relying solely on manual scanning. AI can enhance security by detecting unusual patterns in inventory usage, potentially flagging theft or misuse. Potential Ethical Concerns A primary ethical concern involves the automated process, especially if a machine learning AI is used. The security gate for order placement must be robustly implemented, evaluated, and validated to protect users' personal and financial information. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the AI system is transparent in its decision-making process to maintain trust and accountability. References Goel, A. K., & Davies, J. (2019, December 19). The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge Core. Link
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