ALA – Experimental Inquiry: The Process of Science
(Be sure to DOWNLOAD AND SAVE this file BEFORE you enter responses)
Please enter the following:
Name Shippee
Team (Table) No. 5
Trio (A, B, or C): B
Note: This ALA should be completed individually by all students. It will not be graded,
but will be good practice so you have a sense of what to expect for future ALAs. In general, most FUTURE ALAs this semester will be completed in teams of 3-- and each trio will submit just one completed ALA! ALA Reminders:
Complete the assignment using Microsoft Word (
not as a google doc or “Pages” common on Macs
Unless indicated otherwise by Dr. C, most
ALAs this semester must be submitted by the end of class to receive credit
Be sure to ask Dr. C or the Teaching Assistant if you need help!
STOP! If you are at all unsure about how to prevent a submission of a blank file (which happens often), do a quick test run before you proceed any further. Save this file with info entered above locally on your device then submit through blackboard. Then, check your submission to make sure it does indeed show the correct version. You may then continue with the assignment, save locally to your device, and upload to blackboard when finished.
The assignment itself will remain online all semester and you may see exam questions based on this ALA.
Note: ALAs will be submitted through Blackboard. I strongly recommend using Microsoft Word so that
formatting is accurate.
What Can You Learn About the Process of Science from Investigating a Cricket’s Chirp?
Most species in the insect order Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers, locusts) produce a song by rubbing their wings or legs against each other. In most of the species that sing, only the male produces a song.
Crickets are a common example; their songs are a familiar night sound in most parts of the continental United States. Some crickets produce a song that is continuous for several seconds or more, while others
break their song into a sequence of chirps, typically with 10-50 chirps per minute.
Observe the online video below. Observe the male cricket (chirping) and the female cricket (the one with the long, spear-like structure protruding from her back end--- the ovipositor—what do you think that is used for? No need to actually type a response to that question—I just want you to think about it.
Part A - Experimental technique: Experimental and control groups