MCCG222 – Portfolio Project Coding Template 2
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
G44.309, W18.2XXA, I10, R40.0
CPT Code(s): 99213
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
Reflection: After reviewing Rodney Balbo case, I selected the codes from my ICD-10. I looked up headache in the index and confirmed it in the tabular list, I looked up fall into shower or empty bathtub and got W18.2XXA and confirmed it in the tabular list. Then I looked up drowsiness in the index and got R40.0 and confirmed it in the tabular list. In the CPT coding book, I went to E/M section and got the code 99213 for established patient that came in for follow up from headache and feels drowsy. 20 minutes with patient.
Week 4: Rodney Balbo’s Imaging Service
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
G44.309, W18.2XXA, R40.0
CPT Code(s):
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
LCD Article ID Number: A58559
Reflection: In ICD-10-CM I looked up post- traumatic headache in the index and got G44.309 then I confirmed it in the tabular list. In ICD-10-CM I looked up Fall into the shower or empty bathtub and got W18.2XXA and confirmed in the tabular list. Also, that code requires 7 characters. I looked up drowsiness in the index of the ICD-10-CM coding book and got code R40.0 and confirmed it in the tabular list. In the CPT coding Book I looked MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) brain with contrast and got the code 70552 and confirmed it in the tabular list. I looked up Gadobutrol 0.1ml injection in the HCPCS Level II coding book and got A9585 and confirmed in the tabular list. For article ID number I looked it up on
then typed in CPT code 70552.
Week 5: Rodney Balbo’s Outpatient Surgery #1