Hi Alexander,
I enjoyed reading your post, as I could relate regarding how I’ve seen many of these experiments in the
past and how observing them again presented new discoveries.
I could not agree with you more when
you stated how research has changed over decades and it is indeed apparent in its outcome.
there may be limitations, the implementation of more ethical practices are indeed necessary.
little Albert’s experiment did present the question for me of how this particular experiment would be
conducted today.
Despite there being more limitations today, there does seem to be an increase in less
empirical data collected.
Thank you for your contribution to this week’s discussion.
Hi Sarah,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, as you opened my eyes and enlightened me in an area that I am
not well-versed in.
It is always amazing to obtain a view through the different therapeutic or educational
lens that we are not often apart of.
When we can hear the perspectives from other within various
arenas, we can build and learn from beyond the text.
For example, your perspective on teaching one to
read and how you view
perspective on that, and how it doesn’t quite work for
I wonder if Vygotsky was presented with the opportunity to work with
children today would he hold firm to his theory.
Once again, thank you for providing us with a view through an educator's window,
as it was extremely beneficial information.