APA_TEMPLATE_Portfolio_Final_Paper draft



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Arts Humanities


Jun 27, 2024





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PORTFOLIO INCLUDING FINAL PAPER 1 Portfolio Including Final Paper Subtitle (Example: Keeping Schools Closed During a Pandemic) Laura Chavez Perdomo ENGL110: Making Writing Relevant Dr. Mary Orea 21 August 2023
PORTFOLIO INCLUDING FINAL PAPER 2 Table of Contents Item 1 of the Portfolio – Description of Discourse Community Item 2 of the Portfolio – Annotated Bibliography Item 3 of the Portfolio – Final Paper
PORTFOLIO INCLUDING FINAL PAPER 3 Description of Discourse Community Name: Laura Chavez Perdomo Program I am Studying: History Research guide I am using is the History research guide. 1. Types of articles I will find in journals in this program: Articles about all types of different time periods in history. 2. Databases I would use in this program: JSTOR Art & Sciences I, II, & III Archive Collection; Arts and Humanities Database; ACLS Humanities eBook. 3. Types of books I would use in this program: Reference books include The Proper Order of Things: Language, Power, and Law in Ottoman Administrative Discourses; Women’s Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1690-1820s: The Long Eighteenth Century; Liberty and Coercion: The Paradox of American Government from the Founding to the Present. Other books include those based on Egyptian history, American History and European History. 4. Examples of video media sites (if any) for this program: JSTOR Arts & Sciences, History Channel, History on YouTube. 5. Websites for this program: Reference sites include The National Archives; American Memory Collection; Smithsonian Museums Research Center. 6. Organizations used by people in this program: The National Archives and Records Administration; American Historical Association: The Professional Association for All Historians; Center for History and New Media; Guide to History Department Around the World. Here is a closer look at one site. The National Archives ( https://www.archives.gov/research/topics ) is a national registry that “is a work in progress and currently contains descriptions for 95% of our records.” This website includes ancestry records, veteran records, research tools and many more American historical documents. After reviewing their website, I discovered that there is a museum in Washington, DC, that is open to the public by appointment. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are housed there. The website is user friendly with a lot of information and clear hyperlinks to guide you. The guide for using the national archives catalog says “The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.” Having a catalog account is not required to use or search the catalog, however, to contribute as a citizen archivist you must be a catalog account holder.
PORTFOLIO INCLUDING FINAL PAPER 4 Here are tips for communicating in the History field: Communication between members of the history discourse community is consistent with those related to interacting with any academic community. Here are some specific tips: - Stay current on the lates discoveries. - Be well rounded on your research. - Make sure your sources are based on fact not opinion. - Use formal voice. - Know other historians in your field and in your category. END OF REPORT ON COMMUNICATION IN MY FIELD FORM
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