W06 Assignment- Intentional Marriage Rituals



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Apr 3, 2024





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W06 Assignment: Intentional Marriage Rituals Audra Bronson FAML 110 Sister Anderson 2/17/2024
W06 Assignment: Intentional Marriage Rituals How did you present it? What did you include in your presentation about rituals? I made a PowerPoint about the materials regarding marriage rituals in chapters 8, 9, and 10. In my presentation, I included bullet points and clear definitions. I started by explaining what marriage rituals are. I opened the floor to hear my family's take on rituals. I didn’t want to spend 15 minutes talking to them and then having them share their thoughts. I wanted it to be a constant conversation as I was sharing my presentation. After my introduction, I shared about talking rituals. I specifically stated how couples with children have fifteen minutes of dedicated and freethinking conversations every day, they are well off. I invited them to implement this in their marriages. I moved on to explain the phases of marital rituals and the bullet points of ways to take back your marriage in everyday settings. I asked them to take notes of things they want to implement. I spent a good amount of time explaining the difference between love and intimacy. I asked my family to share their thoughts and we had a meaningful conversation based on the new information that was shared, their experiences, and overall suggestions. I ended the presentation with special occasions and marriage anniversaries. I went through each event including anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and Birthdays. I ended the presentation by inviting them to implement the notes they had taken and to implement special rituals in their marriages. Who did you teach? How did it go?
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