What are the weather conditions during the approach to landing?
The weather conditions were poor with heavy rain and less than a mile visibility. Runway Visual
Range 3000 = visibility at less than 5/8 mile. Wind Direction and speed = blowing to the southeast at
23-30 knots constant with 45-knot gusts.
Does the flight profile seem normal?
No. The approach to the runway started left of the runway as indicated by the pilot saying that he
saw the runway right of the aircraft at 500 ft elevation. A sink rate warning was issued multiple times
meaning the aircraft was descending faster than a normal landing. Peak 1680 attempted to land on
runway 4R meaning the landing direction was southwest and there was a southeast-blowing
moderate to strong crosswind. Then once the aircraft landed it began sliding when brakes were
applied indicating that the brakes were locked up.
Describe the many conditions the interviewed witness is explaining about the event.
The witness explained that when the aircraft landed the aircraft overshot the optimal touchdown
area and was left of the centerline on the runway. The witness also described the presence of rain,
darkness, and wind. The witness describes feeling the plane slide off the side of the runway then
back onto the runway, and then off again.
The weather conditions were indeed extremely adverse and posed significant challenges for the
aircrew. Low visibility of less than a mile, heavy rain, and the presence of thunderstorms on
approach are conditions that can significantly impact flight safety. I know that it was difficult to
decipher the pilot’s communication with the tower. Did you pick up on the direction and strength of
the wind? There was a significant crosswind also these conditions make navigation and landing more
difficult and increase the risks associated with the flight.